Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's funny

I believe that a true friendship is a true friendship when...
1. you get mad at eachother for stupid pranks and then wake up the next morning and act as if
nothing ever happened.
2. you know deep down that you truly love them like family
3. you look at them and you feel like you have known them forever
4. you could never hate them in any way
5. the only time they make you cry is when your laughing really hard
6. you miss them even though they were there just a few seconds ago
7. you never never never want to say goodby to them
8. you want to know them forever
9. you talk to them EVERYDAY!!!
10. when they feel the same way about you as you do them

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

what i said yesterday....

This is an official take back of what i said yesterday...
everything is fine and dandy...
I'm truly happy today!!!
It's amazing!!! I woke up and smiled and was just happy!
i thought im going to be really happy today!!!
It's a good day...and it was right from the start when i opened my eyes!!
Well thats about it!!!