Monday, March 9, 2009

one thing

one thing i love about my self ...okay wells theres lots about me i love... anyways one that im so random and i keep ppl thinking... hey its the truth.the other is my self control. if i didnt have any i would have gotten into deep trouble today.. a teacher pissed me off thats it. since i have respect for my elders i didnt say anything maybe to other techies in the class but not to the teacher. you see things werent going so well... she thought she had everything worked out perfectly in her mind and she didnt... things ended up mashed together, ppl stuck behind scenery for plays, and lots of angry teenagers being forced to listen to the teacher who didnt realize what was happening... not a good mix if you ask me, but what ever im calm now and i dont feel like ripping a random persons head off.. its all gravy on the mashed potatoes of life.. peace out homies and keep looking out for randomness

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