Saturday, March 14, 2009

read and just understand me...

its not the flirting...
i dont want drama... go ahead and flirt
i dont care...
there now you know...
so i also have to tell you this.
when you have a boyfriend i dont exsist. i guess you could call it being put on the back burner... its him you want to spend all your time with. if he wont do something that i want to do you dont do it. i feel ...left out. For you its easy getting a boyfriend. i have to try harder than you. ive never had a boyfriend in my life! its hard to see you go through so many and that so many have hurt you the way they have... then there you go right back on the flirting train... i just cant understand sometimes. i dont want to lose you i want be a old grandma swinging on my porch step with my best friend at my side laughing and talking about when we were young whippersnappers... i wont a let a boy tear us apart. i dont like seeing you get hurt guy after guy after guy... so i guess its not the flirting its the not taking time to think about it... to see wether or not hes the right one! and the one who wrote you the letter? i think hes perfect for you... when he said date while hes gone he didnt mean go get a boyfriend he meant go out on dates hang out with guys have fun! just in case you guys figure out your not perfect for eachother you both have new directions to go. so you dont feel like youve been waiting all this time to get your heart broken. hes an amazing guy and if i had soeone like him... well thats who i would choose.


1 comment:

  1. ok you do exist i try and balance it all out sometimes it doesnt work and im sorry about htat and yea they hurt me like the letter guy hurt me last night but theres no point in holding on to that because then you could miss out on a good thing and i dont like thinking about how a guy hurt me it just hurts more and by his ltter i dont think he even wants to date me when he gets back guess im not good enough for him but im still going to wait...
