Saturday, June 5, 2010


The pain will ease...
I KNOW it..
The tears will stop...
I can FEEL it...
The cries will die out...
I can SENSE it
And yet eventually is never
soon enough.
So many girls think that
Theyre not good enough
Theyre not beautiful enough
Theyre not smart enough
I say to that is that everyone
needs to feel it
Sometimes that eventually just
doesnt come fast enough
Everyday a girl cries
Everyday a girl hurts
Everyday she falls farther and farther
out of existence.
For me my eventually has come
but hes moving to texas.
Every girl needs their eventually
Every girl needs to be told
but unfortunatly its not enough from friends
we need the guys opinion
the guys side
We need to hear it from them to us
a little piece of hope
So bring a girl her eventually today guys
and tell her shes beautiful
who knows?
She may become the most beautiful person
All because YOU had the power..
To stand against the odds and tell her
SO make her eventually happen today
STOP tears
STOP the pain
STOP the cries
Because youre the only one that can

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